Reed Leopard

Phragmataecia castaneae


Species Codes

B&F 160 RES 50.003

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DistributionPhenologyReporting RatePhotos

Species Account

Not known in Kent. This obvious species can only been found in the Cambridgeshire Fens, Norfolk Broads and a single site in Dorset. It is well worth keeping an optimistic eye out for in suitable reed-bed/reed swamp habitat. You just never know...

Record Verification

Grade 1 adults are generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species, but records outside documented range or flight period may require photos.


There are no records of Reed Leopard (Phragmataecia castaneae) in the Kent database with accurate dates, so the phenology chart can't be displayed.

Not Enough Data!

Reporting Rate

There are no records of Reed Leopard (Phragmataecia castaneae) in the Kent database since 1950, so the reporting rate chart can't be displayed.

Not Enough Data!

Photo Gallery

Below is a selection of Reed Leopard (Phragmataecia castaneae) images from Kent. If you would like to contribute any photographs, please email Click on a photo if you would like to see it larger.

External Links

For more information and images of Reed Leopard (Phragmataecia castaneae), please take can be seen on the external pages listed below: